NBOP Board update coming soon
Tenant organizers from North Bay Organizing Project (NBOP) co-organize with SCTU. Get to know NBOP’s tenant organizers and read about why they're passionate about building renter power.
I am a first generation Latina born in Santa Rosa, California to low income, working-class parents who immigrated to Sonoma County from Mexico. As a lifelong tenant growing up in Section 8 Housing from my early childhood well into my early 20’s, I deeply understand the importance of access to safe and healthy housing. I am not only fighting to shift the current political landscape and oppressive systems to ensure tenants have stronger protections, but I am also fighting to ensure that all tenants have the opportunity to thrive and experience joy in their communities.
As a tenant organizer, I am motivated by the strong desire to correct the historical injustices in the housing industry and to create a system that honors housing as a human right. Tenants have for too long been on the losing end of the “housing market” deal, and only through the collective political power of a tenants union can we win against the real estate industry. And only by investing in trusting relationships with other renters will we build a mass movement of tenants in the county that will have the people power to de-commodify housing.
I believe in interdependence and I love meeting new people, hearing their stories, and exchanging wisdom.